Adinda dari Malaysia ini lawa sangat dan santun sekali. Ia mendengarkan dengan seksama penjelasanku. Kutawarkan Pemutih Suise yang elok dan berkesan, agar kulit yang putih makin bersih bercahaya dan tidak kusam. Kulit yang kurang putih juga akan jadi bersih dan terang bercahaya, seperti kulitku yang semula coklat muda nyaris coklat tua, sekarang ? wow, banyak pelanggan yang bilang " ingin putih seperti ci Suise". MENAKJUBKAN !!!
Younger sister from Malaysia is so pretty and very polite. She listened carefully to my explanation. I offered BSuise whitening cream which is good and impressive, to make skin whiter, glowy and not dull. Less white skinalso will be clean and brightly lighted, like my skin was originally light brown almost dark brown, now? wow, many customers say "eager to be white like sister Suise". AMAZING !!!
SUISE(so sure so simple). Pelangsing Rp 165.000,- /30 tablet, no diet. Seminggu turun 1-3 kg (Saya Lisa turun 40kg, setiap hari saya ada di toko). Tersedia juga Penggemuk, Peninggi, Pemutih kulit ,dan macam obat lainya. Toko Obat SUISE beralamat di Pasar baru Lt 4 B2/42-43 Bandung. Tlp 022-4246095/+6281-321-467-337
Senin, 29 November 2010
Jumat, 26 November 2010
SMS promosi yang menggelitik, kami kirim setiap hari ke calon pelanggan kami. Komunikasi lanjutan dengan penerima sms, membuka peluang untuk menawarkan produk kami lainnya : Penggemuk Badan/ Obat Kekar, Peninggi Badan, Pemutih, Vitamin Awet Muda, Perontok Bulu, Penumbuh Rambut, Montok Dada dll.
SMSnya seperti ini : GEMUK/BUNCIT? saya,Lisa( turun 40kg ) di Toko Obat LANGSING Suise, Pasarbaru Lt 4 B2/42, Bandung (022-4246095 ).TANPA DIET, TANPA OLAHRAGA, AMAN
Begitu banyak makanan enak yang menggoda selera, diet jadi begitu menyiksa....Olahraga? Ah, hoream teuing ( malas amat)
Our SMS campaign is rather funny, we send every day to our prospective customers. Communications continued with the receiving sms, opening opportunities to offer our other products: to put on more weight/ get stump, to get taller, whitening, anti aging vitamins, threshers fur, growing hair, plumping breast, etc.
This is the sms: FAT / BLOATED? click: / meet me, Lisa (down 40kg) at Suise slimming Drug Store, 4th Floor Pasarbaru, block B2/42, Bandung (022-4246095). NO DIET, NO EXERCISE, SAFE
So many delicious foods that tempt the taste, the diet became so excruciating .... Sports? Ah, no motivation
SMSnya seperti ini : GEMUK/BUNCIT? saya,Lisa( turun 40kg ) di Toko Obat LANGSING Suise, Pasarbaru Lt 4 B2/42, Bandung (022-4246095 ).TANPA DIET, TANPA OLAHRAGA, AMAN
Begitu banyak makanan enak yang menggoda selera, diet jadi begitu menyiksa....Olahraga? Ah, hoream teuing ( malas amat)
Our SMS campaign is rather funny, we send every day to our prospective customers. Communications continued with the receiving sms, opening opportunities to offer our other products: to put on more weight/ get stump, to get taller, whitening, anti aging vitamins, threshers fur, growing hair, plumping breast, etc.
This is the sms: FAT / BLOATED? click: / meet me, Lisa (down 40kg) at Suise slimming Drug Store, 4th Floor Pasarbaru, block B2/42, Bandung (022-4246095). NO DIET, NO EXERCISE, SAFE
So many delicious foods that tempt the taste, the diet became so excruciating .... Sports? Ah, no motivation
Senin, 22 November 2010
Untuk menjangkau sebanyak mungkin pelanggan agar makin banyak orang gemuk jadi langsing dan lebih sehat, kami mengirim sms promosi secara acak. Rata-rata kami kirim 1000 sms per hari, dilanjut dengan tanya jawab lewat sms dengan yang berminat, mereka buka blog "", terkadang berkomunikasi lewat telepon, lalu terjadi transaksi, meski tak pernah bertatap muka. lndah bukan.
Promo sms kami pilih karena cukup efektif dan tidak mahal, sehingga harga obat tidak perlu dinaikkan untuk menutup biaya promosi.SMS testimoni dari 0812842xxxx : "Halo, saya sudah coba pil langsingnya. Nanti kalau sudah habis saya pesan lagi....Terimakasih atas produk yang JITU ini".
Dari 0812848xxxx Pesan obat langsing lagi alamat bpk JS...Dari 0811119xxx Saya mau pesan obat langsing lagi mbak...Dari 08191113xxx.. tante aku sudah tranfer rp ... utk 3 botol pelangsing, aku sudah turun, mau diturunin lagi...
To reach many many customers so that more and more obese people becomes slimmer and healthier, we send promotion sms randomly. On average we send 1000 sms per day, be continued with questions and answers via sms to those interested, they go to the blog "", sometimes communicating by phone, then the transaction dealed, though each one of us, never meet face to face. It's amazing, is not it?.
Promotion using sms, we choose because it is quite effective and not expensive, so the price of drugs does not need to be raised to cover the cost. Testimonial sms from 0812842xxxx "Hello, I've tried your slimming pills. Later when the pills finished, l'll do my repeat order .... Thank you for this ACCURATE product "
From 0812848xxxx slimming pills repeat order please ... sent to mr JS ... From 0811119xxx I would like to order more slimming pills from u, sis .. ... From 08191113xxx Aunty, l have bank in rp ... to buy 3 more bottles of slimming pills, I've reduced.. kg, wanted more and more ...
Promo sms kami pilih karena cukup efektif dan tidak mahal, sehingga harga obat tidak perlu dinaikkan untuk menutup biaya promosi.SMS testimoni dari 0812842xxxx : "Halo, saya sudah coba pil langsingnya. Nanti kalau sudah habis saya pesan lagi....Terimakasih atas produk yang JITU ini".
Dari 0812848xxxx Pesan obat langsing lagi alamat bpk JS...Dari 0811119xxx Saya mau pesan obat langsing lagi mbak...Dari 08191113xxx.. tante aku sudah tranfer rp ... utk 3 botol pelangsing, aku sudah turun, mau diturunin lagi...
To reach many many customers so that more and more obese people becomes slimmer and healthier, we send promotion sms randomly. On average we send 1000 sms per day, be continued with questions and answers via sms to those interested, they go to the blog "", sometimes communicating by phone, then the transaction dealed, though each one of us, never meet face to face. It's amazing, is not it?.
Promotion using sms, we choose because it is quite effective and not expensive, so the price of drugs does not need to be raised to cover the cost. Testimonial sms from 0812842xxxx "Hello, I've tried your slimming pills. Later when the pills finished, l'll do my repeat order .... Thank you for this ACCURATE product "
From 0812848xxxx slimming pills repeat order please ... sent to mr JS ... From 0811119xxx I would like to order more slimming pills from u, sis .. ... From 08191113xxx Aunty, l have bank in rp ... to buy 3 more bottles of slimming pills, I've reduced.. kg, wanted more and more ...
Kamis, 04 November 2010
Serial kartun buatan Malaysia tentang si kembar Upin dan lpin, sangat digemari di lndonesia dan sempat tayang di salah satu saluran TV di lndonesia. T-shirt bergambar Upin lpin-pun sangat banyak dijumpai di Pasar Baru Bandung.
Malaysia and Indonesia sometimes like Upin and lpin, so close, brother allied, friendly to one another, occasionally like to fight, but still help each other. Border dispute between the 2 countries that had heated up, a few days ago, making tourists visit from Malaysia to Pasarbaru Bandung, somewhat reduced,. Fortunately there are Air Postal services, so that their need of Suise drug product, can still be fulfilled
Malaysian-made cartoon series about the twins Upin and lpin, is very popular in Indonesia and was aired on one TV channel in Indonesia. T-shirt-picture Upin lpin also very often found in Pasar Baru Bandung.
Malaysia dan lndonesia terkadang seperti Upin dan lpin, begitu dekat, saudara serumpun, bersahabat satu sama lain; sesekali suka rebutan, tapi tetap saling tolong. Sengketa perbatasan antar 2 negara yang sempat memanas, kemarin ini, membuat kunjungan turis Malaysia ke Pasar Baru Bandung, agak berkurang,. Untungnya ada jasa Pos Udara sehingga kebutuhan mereka akan produk obat Suise, tetap bisa terpenuhiMalaysia and Indonesia sometimes like Upin and lpin, so close, brother allied, friendly to one another, occasionally like to fight, but still help each other. Border dispute between the 2 countries that had heated up, a few days ago, making tourists visit from Malaysia to Pasarbaru Bandung, somewhat reduced,. Fortunately there are Air Postal services, so that their need of Suise drug product, can still be fulfilled
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