Awalnya aku jumpa seseorang yang tampak begitu "high educated", tapi agak "overweight". Aku tawari obat langsingku, tapi beliau tidak tertarik. Karena aku keliling membagikan kartu langsing, aku jumpa beliau lagi. Baru pada perjumpaan yang ke 4, beliau berkenan ikut aku ketoko obat langsing Suise, Pasarbaru Lantai 4 B 2/42-43, Bandung, beliau percaya kepadaku dan membeli hampir semua produk yang aku tawarkan. TERIMAKASIH TUHAN
Surely a Professor Doctor will be more careful shopping for health products, especially in foreign countries, and maybe this is her first trip to Pasarbaru,Bandung. One thing for sure, this is the first time she met me.
At first I meet someone who seems so "high educated", but a bit "overweight". I offered Suise slimming pills, but she is not interested. Because I do circumference distribute slim card, I saw her again. Finally, on the fourth encounter, she is pleased to follow me to my Suise slimming drugstore, at Pasarbaru 4th floor, B 2/42-43, Bandung, she believes me and bought almost all the products that I offer. THX GOD
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