Pelanggan kami datang dari mana-mana. Maklum Pasar Baru Trade Centre terletak di pusat kota Bandung dan merupakan salah satu tujuan wisata belanja yang paling diminati. Awalnya mereka mencoba dulu obat langsing Suise dan membeli hanya satu atau dua botol. Ternyata berhasil langsing, tapi tak tahu kapan ke Bandung lagi dan singgah di toko obat langsing Suise, Pasar Baru, lantai 4 blok B 2/42-43 Bandung. Tapi tak perlu risau, OBAT BISA DIKIRIM...
Foto di atas adalah sejumlah resi bukti pengiriman obat ke segala penjuru
Our customers come from everywhere. Understandably, Pasar Baru Trade Centre is located in Bandung city center and is one of the most popular tourist shopping destination. At first they buy only one or two bottles of Suise slimming pills for " trial and error " purpose. Factually they become slim, but do not know when to Bandung again and stop by Suise slimming drugstore, Pasar Baru, 4th floor, block B 2/42-43 Bandung. But no need to worry, DRUG CAN BE DELIVERED ...
Photo above is some receipts as proof of delivery of drugs to all directions
1 komentar:
hai tante~
tante.. last visit ade beli obat cemerlang from tante.. after using 2 packet yg tante syorkan tu memang ade beza.. but obat tu dah abis.. n now my skin mcm dah kembali kepada yg sblm makan obat tante.. gi mana ya tante?
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