Pagi sebelum berangkat ke toko aku menyempatkan diri berpose di teras rumahku, menghirup udara segar sebagai bagian dari gaya hidup sehat. Beberapa orang sedang berjalan kaki, dan/atau lari-lari kecil, untuk maksud yang sama. Tapi aku sedikitpun tidak tertarik untuk "mandi keringat" seperti mereka. Aku kembali bersyukur, berhasil langsing tanpa jungkir balik berolahraga
Morning before going to the store I took time to pose on the terrace of my home, inhaling the fresh air as part of a healthy lifestyle. Some people were walking, and / or jogging, for the same purpose. But I'm not interested at all in "sweat bath" like them. Again I am so grateful, managed to slim without exercising somersaults
SUISE(so sure so simple). Pelangsing Rp 165.000,- /30 tablet, no diet. Seminggu turun 1-3 kg (Saya Lisa turun 40kg, setiap hari saya ada di toko). Tersedia juga Penggemuk, Peninggi, Pemutih kulit ,dan macam obat lainya. Toko Obat SUISE beralamat di Pasar baru Lt 4 B2/42-43 Bandung. Tlp 022-4246095/+6281-321-467-337
Minggu, 31 Januari 2010
Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010
Tanpa sadar aku menyimpan kekecewaanku " dilarang ikut balet " waktu kelas 2 SD karena kegemukan. Aku ingin membuktikan bahwa gemuk-pun bisa balet, bisa berputar sambil jinjit. Maka anak-anakku kuikutkan les balet. Foto mereka sehabis pentas balet, menunjukkan bahwa yang langsing dan yang gemuk, sama-sama bisa menari balet. Hatiku-pun lega. Ah ada-ada saja...
Without realizing, it I kept my disappointment "not allowed ballet" when I was at 2nd grade elementary school because of obesity. I want to prove that the fat-can ballet, can be spun while on tiptoe. So I brought my children to join ballet course. Their photos after the ballet stage, showing that the lean and fat, the same can dance ballet. -My heart was relieved. Oh my....
Pilihan busana ketika tubuhku gemuk kurang bervariasi. Kata orang, pantang memakai busana ketat atau yang menampakkan lekuk liku tubuh. Alangkah inginnya aku memakai busana yang modis, tapi aku harus menahan diri..Tekadku untuk langsing, makin menjadi-jadi
Choice of clothing as my body fat is less varied. They say, never wear tight clothing or body curves showed. How much I want to wear fashionable clothes, but I had to restrain myself .. My determination to be slim, is already firm
Choice of clothing as my body fat is less varied. They say, never wear tight clothing or body curves showed. How much I want to wear fashionable clothes, but I had to restrain myself .. My determination to be slim, is already firm
Rabu, 27 Januari 2010
Aku percaya Engkau ikut bekerja dalam segala sesuatu untuk mendatangkan kebaikan, baik bagi mereka yang ingin langsing dan sehat dengan memakai obat langsing Suise, maupun mereka yang ingin gemuk, ingin kekar, ingin bertambah tinggi badannya...dll.Kiranya Engkau berkenan mengabulkan keinginan mereka dengan kuasaMu yang dahsyat, yang bekerja di dalam diri mereka, serta bagi diri mereka
Terimakasih karena keberhasilan obat Suise sepenuhnya adalah kasih karuniaMu semata. AMIN
Lord, I respect you for the greatness of Your magnificent powerInfinite can you do, more than I can ask or imagineNOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE TO YOU GOD I believe you go to work in all things for good, both for those who want to be slim and healthy by taking the Suise slimming pills, and those who want to be fat, to be stout, to increase his height ... etc.Hopefully You could be so kind to grant their wishes with Your almighty power, who worked in them, and for themselves
Thank you for the success of the Suise slimming drug is nothing other than gift from heaven. AMEN
Jumat, 22 Januari 2010
IBADAHku adalah tiaphari membagikan kartu langsing agar CALON LANGSING, berkenan mampir ke tokoku untuk sekedar berkonsultasi-pun, aku sudah sangat senang. Setidaknya aku telah menyemangati mereka yang telah putus asa, karena berbagai cara pelangsingan telah mereka tempuh, tapi gagal. Aku-pun begitu, berkali-kali gagal! Bedanya hanya : AKU TIDAK PUTUS ASA dan YAKIN BISA LANGSING. lni langkah awal keberhasilan. Sulit untuk langsing, kalau kita hanya mengandalkan "BONUS", semisal " saya olahraga supaya sehat, kalau jadi langsing, ya itu bonus". Jelas ini kalimat keputus-asaan. Jadi langsing HARUS NIAT.
BISNISku adalah menyediakan dengan harga persaudaraan, obat langsing yang aman dan berjaya, di tokoku. Satu-satunya obat langsing yang kutawarkan, karena telah berhasil melangsingkan diriku sendiri. Begitu banyak obat langsing di pasaran, tapi karena ada faktor ibadah, maka aku hanya menjual yang aku yakin efektif
BISNISku adalah menyediakan dengan harga persaudaraan, obat langsing yang aman dan berjaya, di tokoku. Satu-satunya obat langsing yang kutawarkan, karena telah berhasil melangsingkan diriku sendiri. Begitu banyak obat langsing di pasaran, tapi karena ada faktor ibadah, maka aku hanya menjual yang aku yakin efektif
My worship is distributing slim card everyday to LANGSING CANDIDATES, asking them to stop by my drug store,even to just-one consultation, I was very pleased. At least I have encouraged those who have been desperate, for a variety of ways to be slim, they have tried, but failed. I-even so, many times failed! The difference was: I did not despair and absolutely convinced, I CAN BE SLIM. This is the first step of success. Difficult to slim if we only rely on "bonus", like "I exercise so healthy, if so slim, so that's a bonus". Obviously, this is the sentence of despair. So slim MUST BE SERIOUS.
My business is to provide a price of brotherhood, drugs which are safe and effective, in my store. The one and only slimming drug I offer, which having successfully slimming myself. Actually so many drugs in the market, but because this is also my worship,so I only sell what I believe it's effectiveness
My business is to provide a price of brotherhood, drugs which are safe and effective, in my store. The one and only slimming drug I offer, which having successfully slimming myself. Actually so many drugs in the market, but because this is also my worship,so I only sell what I believe it's effectiveness
Kamis, 14 Januari 2010
Hello Kitty kesayanganku ( My darling Hello kitty )
Berbagai model Hello Kitty menyemarakkan mobilku dengan karakter dan warna-warninya yang lembut Boneka hello kitty yang lucu, polos dan imut, sungguh menggemaskan. Ia setia menemani aku pulang pergi ke toko obat suise,
Hello Kitty models brighten my car with the characters and colors of soft dolls.Hello kitty is funny, innocent and cute, really cute. She faithfully accompanied me home to go to the drugstore suise, to and fro
Hello Kitty models brighten my car with the characters and colors of soft dolls.Hello kitty is funny, innocent and cute, really cute. She faithfully accompanied me home to go to the drugstore suise, to and fro
Foto Putri Sulungku Jelang Gemuk ( My oldest daughter at the approach of being FAT )
Mungkin karena terlalu sering makan enak dan banyak, si sulung ikut-ikutan jadi gemuk. Ini salah satu foto yang aku temukan. Tapi dia sekarang sudah langsing dan tampak lebih tinggi. Foto anak-anakku kutampilkan sebagai bukti keberhasilan obat langsing suise yang Tanpa Diet, Tanpa Olahraga dan Tanpa Mahal. AMAN??? So PASTI...RUMIT? So SIMPEL...
Maybe because too often eating good food and lots, the eldest went along so fat. This is one of the photos I found. But she now looks more slender and tall. Photos of my children, shown as evidence of the success of the Suise slimming pills, with No Diet, No Sport and No Expensive. SAFE? So SURE ..COMPLICATED? So SIMPLE...
Maybe because too often eating good food and lots, the eldest went along so fat. This is one of the photos I found. But she now looks more slender and tall. Photos of my children, shown as evidence of the success of the Suise slimming pills, with No Diet, No Sport and No Expensive. SAFE? So SURE ..COMPLICATED? So SIMPLE...
Foto Putri Bungsuku Waktu Bobotnya 100 kg ( My youngest daughter when she was 100 kgs )
Umurnya masih 8 tahun waktu berat badannya mencapai 100 kg (eh, tapi dia maunya dibilang cuma 98 kg), putri bungsuku (kiri), berfoto bersama putri sulungku yang waktu itu belum terlalu gemuk (kanan). mereka kubawa ke sebuah pesta perkawinan, acara yang sangat mereka sukai, karena bisa makan sepuasnya. Penata rambut mereka membuat dandanan rambut yang bisa membuat mereka tampak langsing....Sejak kecil memang mereka bakat gemuk seperti mamanya
My youngest daughter ( left ), her age was 8 years old when her weight reached 100 kgss (ugh, but she just wants to be 98 kgs mentioned ), take pictures with my oldest daughter who was not too fat (right). They were carried to a wedding party, an event that they like so much, because they can eat lot. The hairdresser make their hairstyle, that can make them look slim .... From the beginning of her age,, she was really fat like her mommy.
My youngest daughter ( left ), her age was 8 years old when her weight reached 100 kgss (ugh, but she just wants to be 98 kgs mentioned ), take pictures with my oldest daughter who was not too fat (right). They were carried to a wedding party, an event that they like so much, because they can eat lot. The hairdresser make their hairstyle, that can make them look slim .... From the beginning of her age,, she was really fat like her mommy.
Rabu, 13 Januari 2010
Overseas Delivery Costs/1 kg as below :
Asean countries USD 50
Asia Pacific USD 55
Africa USD 60
Europe USD 65
Others USD 65
Medical Export Recommendation included
Asean countries USD 50
Asia Pacific USD 55
Africa USD 60
Europe USD 65
Others USD 65
Medical Export Recommendation included
Selasa, 12 Januari 2010
Peta ( map ) Lokasi toko obat Suise Bandung
Pasar Baru Trade centre BANDUNG, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Toko obat Suise berlokasi di Pasar Baru Trade Centre, jalan Oto Iskandardinata 70 Bandung, Lantai 4 blok B 2 / 42-43. Telpon +62-22-4246095. Fax +62-22-4246097. Hp : +62-8157-00-5751 . Buka tiap hari pukul 08.30-17.00 WIB
SUISE Drug Store is located in 4th floor, Pasar Baru Trade centre, block B 2 / 42 - 43, jalan Oto Iskandardinata 70 Bandung, West Java, indonesia. Phone +62-4246095. Fax +62-4246097. Mobile +62-8157-00-5751 . Open everyday fr. 8.30 - 17.00 ( local time )
Senin, 11 Januari 2010
Cara memperoleh Obat Langsing Suise ( How to get Suise Slimming Pills )
1. Datang ke toko obat Suise, Pasar baru Lt 4 B 2/ 42-43 Bandung, tiap hari antara pukul 08.30-17.00
2. Telpon/sms ke +62-22-4246095 / +62-8157-00-5751
3. Email ke
Transfer ke rekening a/n Rina Yahya, no : 35094-9999-6, bank Danamon, Pasar Baru, Bandung, sejumlah harga obat + ongkos kirim. Bisa juga via Western Union
ONGKOS KIRIM, sampai 1 kg :
- Bandung & sekitarnya Rp. 25.000
- Jakarta Rp. 30.000
- Jawa Barat Rp 35.000
- Jawa Tengah Rp. 40.000
- Jawa Timur Rp. 45.000
- Luar Jawa Rp. 55.000, kecuali
- Sulawesi, NTT, Kalimantan, Papua Rp. 65.000
Tiap kg berikutnya tambah 30% ( umumnya pesanan obat kurang dari 1 kg )
1. Come to Suise drug store, 4th Floor Pasar Baru, block B 2 / 42-43 Bandung, every day between the hours of 08.30-17.00 ( local time )
2. Telephone / SMS to +62-22-4246095 / +62-8157-00-5751
3. Email to suise.farmasi @
Transfer to the account of c/o Rina Yahya, no: 35094-9999-6, Bank Danamon, Pasar Baru, Bandung, the sum of drug prices + postage. Or via Western Union
SEND FARE, up to 1 kg:
- Bandung & around Rp. 25,000
- Jakarta Rp. 30,000
- West Java Rp 35,000
- Central Java Rp. 40,000
- East Java Rp. 45,000
- Outer Java Rp. 55.000, except
- Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, Papua Rp. 65,000
Each subsequent kg plus 30% (usually orders of the drug is less than 1 kg)
Terima kasih telah menyumbangkan saran terjemahan Anda ke Google Terjemahan.
Bahasa yang tersedia untuk penerjemahan:
Afrikaans Albania Arab Bahasa Indonesia Belanda Bulgar Byelorusia Cek Dansk | Esti Farsi Galisia Hindi Ibrani Inggris Irlandia Islan Italia | Jepang Jerman Katalana Korea Kreol Haiti Kroat Latvi Lituavi Magyar | Makedonia Malta Mandarin Melayu Norsk Pilipino Polski Portugis Prancis | Rumania Rusia Serb Sloven Slowakia Spanyol Suomi Swahili Swensk | Thai Turki Ukraina Vietnam Wales Yiddi Yunani |
Amboi, aku bisa menari balet sekarang! Ah jadi ingat"kisah sedih"waktu aku kelas 2 SD. Kelasku akan menampilkan tari balet di acara tahunan sekolah. Yang dipilih tentu saja yang langsing, aku tidak terpilih. Kata guru tari, aku terlalu gemuk, tidak bisa jinjit apalagi sambil berputar. Aku sedih dan menangis. Oleh guru aku diberi kue wafel, agar diam,. Karena doyan makan, kue aku habiskan. Kue habis, aku maju lagi bilang mau ikut balet, tapi tetap tidak boleh, katanya aku lain sendiri. Aku benar-benar sedih dan tidak mengerti mengapa aku tidak boleh. Sekarang, balet, senam, pencak silat, apapun aku bisa, tapi jujur-jujur aku tidak suka olahraga. Hoream teuing(malas amat). AKU MAU SELALU TAMPIL RAPI dan KINCLONG. Mbung teuing(ogah amat) olahraga yang bikin aku tampak kulehe(kucel). Untung obat langsing ajaib-ku TANPA DIET, TANPA OLAHRAGA dan TANPA MAHAL
Man, I can dance ballet now! Ah that reminds me "sad story" when I was in Grade 2 SD ( elementary school ). Class will feature ballet in the school annual event. The selected course is slim, I was not elected. Dance teacher said, I'm too fat, can not tiptoe especially while turning. I was sad and crying. I was given by the teacher waffles, to be quiet,. Since Hooked eat, I spent the cake. Cakes gone, I go back to say want to go the ballet, but still can not, she said, I differ from others. I'm really sad and do not understand why I should not. Now, ballet, gymnastics, martial art, whatever I can, but honestly, I do not like sports. Hoream teuing (very lazy). I ALWAYS WANT TO PERFORM TIDY, ELEGANT and GLOWY. Mbung teuing (very unwilling) exercise makes me look kulehe (clumsy). Luckily my amazing slimming pills need NO DIET, NO EXERCISE and NO EXPENSIVE
SUISE SUper Indah Super Elok ( SUISE Super Beautiful Super Elegant )
Telpon dari pelanggan berdering dari dalam dan luar negeri
Number of customers ringing from inside and outside my country, lndonesia
Number of customers ringing from inside and outside my country, lndonesia
SUISE SUper sIIm Super safE
Tua muda segala umur menjadi pelangganku. Masalah kesehatan yang dikeluhkan orangtua, seringnya adalah SULIT BUANG AIR BESAR(BAB)/SEMBELIT. Manfaat lain dari obat langsing suise adalah melancarkan BAB sekaligus detoksikasi (buang racun)
My customers are young and old of all ages. Problems of health, often complained by old people is CONSTIPATION. Another benefit of Suise slimming drug is also launch defication as well as detoxication (toxic waste)
Ibadah sambil bisnis bersama kedua anak perempuanku. Si sulung di sebelah kiriku, si bungsu di sebelah kananku. Kalau kuliahnya libur, mereka mengawal aku kemana dan dimanapun aku berada.Sstt...mereka dulunya gemuk lho. Yang bungsu malah pernah 100 kg( eh dia ngambek kalau dibilang 100 kg, maunya dikurangi dikit, 98 kg cincailah), waktu usia 8 th. Dengan obat langsing suise, beratnya sekarang 62 kg saja
Worship as a business with my daughters. The eldest on my left, the youngest to the right. If college holidays, they escorted me anywhere and everywhere I am.Sstt ... they used to be fat . Instead, the youngest ever 100 kg (wouw she sulked when said she ever 100 kgs, wants to have slight discount, 98 kgs cincailah), when she was of 8 years old. With the Suise slimming pills, now weighs just 62 kg
SUISE, Selalu Utamakan Ibadah Servis Etika ( SUISE, always prioritizing Worship Service Ethics )
Hampir tiap hari aku di toko, sebagai SAKSI HIDUP yang berhasil turun 40 kg dan tidak lagi mengkonsumsi pelangsing. Eh, tapi yang "bakat gemuk", kalau sudah langsing, dianjurkan SESEKALI minum lagi obat langsing suise, utamanya sehabis pesta pora makan banyak, agar terjaga kelangsingannya. Ok...
Pelanggan dari negeri jiran Malaysia, aku jelaskan dengan bahasa melayu yang fasih
Almost every day I was in the store, as a successful LIVING WITNESS down 40 kgs and no longer consume Suise slimming pills. Uh, but the "talent fat", when he/she has been slim, is recommended to take the Suise slimming pills OCCASIONALLY, especially after eating a lot at a party, just for maintenance. Ok ...
Customers from neighbor country Malaysia, I explained in Melayu language eloquently
Minggu, 10 Januari 2010
Tak kusangka, aku punya koleksi foto gemuk tapi imut,yang sekarang aku pajang di toko untuk menyemangati mereka yang ingin langsing seperti aku. SO SURE SO SIMPLE. Biar gemuk, aku menggemaskan sekali tampaknya. tapi aku ingin langsing..supaya sehat dan paha tidak lecet-lecet karena saling bergesekan
I did not expect, I have a collection of photos chubby but cute, that I now display in the store to encourage those who want to slim like me. SO SIMPLE SO SURE. But eventho' l was fat, I seemed adorable enough, right. but .. I want to be slim and be healthy, to avoid abrasions between my thighs due to rubbing each other while walking
Jumat, 08 Januari 2010
Kesaksian pelanggan ( Customer's Testimony )
Dari +6017288...Halo tante, ini puan ...dari Malaysia. Ubat langsing yang aku beli bulan lepas dah habis. Sudah reduced 3 kg in a week. Apa bisa tante poskan ke Malaysia 20 botol lagi. Aku nak turun 20 kg. Kawan-kawan aku mahu juga. Berapa harga dan kos hantarnya. Thx
From +6017288 ... Hello auntie, this woman ... from Malaysia. Trim medicine that I bought months ago, has been used. l reduced 3 kg in a week. What can be mailed to Malaysia auntie 20 bottle again. I want down 20 kgs more. My friends want it too. How much is the price and the shipping. Thx
Foto langsingku setelah turun 40 kg ( my SLIM photo after down 40 kgs )
Foto langsingku ini mewakili penampilanku, karena tidak semua orang sempat ke Bandung dan mampir ke tokoku, untuk bertemu dan berkonsultasi langsung. Tapi Bandung sangat terkenal wisata kuliner&wisata belanjanya lho, jadi sekali sekali boleh juga berwisata ke Bandung sambil menikmati hawa sejuk pegunungan, di sebuah kota modern yang adalah ibukota propinsi Jawa Barat, sambil mampir ke toko obat suise, pasarbaru Lt 4 B 2/42-43 Bandung, tlp +62-22-4246095/+62-818-0979-7799. Buka tiap hari pk. 08.00-17.00. Singkat kata, aku adalah SAKSI HIDUP & BUKTI NYATA khasiat OBAT LANGSING AJAIB yang bukan cuma FOTO gemuk jadi FOTO langsing, tanpa mampu menghadirkan orangnya
This photographs represents my slim appearance, because not everyone had a chance to Bandung and stopped by the shop, to meet and consult directly. But Bandung is famous with tourist attractions for shopping & culinary experience, so it could be very well to trip to Bandung while enjoying the cool mountain air, in a modern city as the capital of West Java province, and don't forget to stop at the SUISE drug store, Pasar Baru 4th fl, block B 2 / 42 -43 Bandung, tlp +62-22-4246095 / +62-818-0979-7799. Open every day fr. 08.00-17.00 pm. In short, I am the LIVING WITNESS & REAL EVIDENCE of the magical efficacy of Suise slimming pills, Of course, not just some photos from fat to slim, and never being able to show up the person him/herself
Foto gemuk-ku sebelum turun 40 kg ( My FAT photo before 40 kgs down )
Masih takjub rasanya tiap kali menatap fotoku waktu masih 89 kg, bagaimana mungkin turun 40 kg. Fakta kadang lebih ajaib dari khayalan. Tidak cuma foto yang bisa jadi bukti, tapi aku orangnya juga ada di toko obat suise, pasar baru Lt 4 B2/42-43 Bandung. Artinya ada SAKSI HIDUP, bukan sekedar FOTO gemuk jadi FOTO langsing. ( beratku sekarang tepatnya 45 kg, berarti turun 44 kg )
I am still amazed every time l looked at a picture of me when I was 89 kgs, how can down 40 kgs. Facts sometimes more miraculous than fiction. Not only photos which could be evidence, but I myself, almost everyday, in suise drug stores, PASAR bARU 4th floor,block B2/42-43 Bandung. This means that you can see me as the SLIM WITNESS, not just photo to photo from fat to slim, and no more than photos
Minggu, 03 Januari 2010
SUISE Farmasi tradisonal & modern BERIJIN
Pasar Baru Lantai 4 B 2 / 42-43 Bandung, Indonesia.telp : +62-22-4246095/+62-8157-00-5751
email :
Penanggung Jawab : APOTEKER merangkap asisten apoteker
Surat Ijin kerja(SIK) Apoteker : SIK no 572/SIK/JB/1994
SIK asisten apoteker : SIAA no 1293/DF/AA, 19 Pebruari 1975
Ijin toko obat no : 442/9093-Dinkes/13-PED/XII/08
Sedia : OBAT LANGSING / mengecilkan perut hanya rp 95.000 untuk 45 hari (harga sewaktu-waktu bisa berubah). TANPA DIET, TANPA OLAHRAGA, TANPA MAHAL
Juga sedia : obat kekar, penggemuk, peninggi badan, vitamin awet muda, memutihkan/menghilangkan noda hitam, jerawat, perontok bulu dll
BUKA SETIAP HARI, pukul 8.30-17.00 WIB
SUISE Selalu Utamakan Ibadah Servis Etika
1. Pelangsing Rp 3000,-/tablet. Rp 95.000,-/45 tablet (membuang lemak, utamanya di perut, melancarkan bab=buang air besar, membuang racun=detoksikasi). DOSIS : Sekali sehari 1 tablet. Seminggu turun 1-3 kg. Untuk 8 th ke atas
2. Penggemuk Rp 2000,-/kapsul (memperbaiki penyerapan makanan). DOSIS : Sekali sehari 1 kapsul sebelum tidur. Seminggu naik 1-3 kg. Agar kekar harus dengan olahraga. Untuk 12 th ke atas
3. Peninggi rp 5000/kapsul.RP 450.000/100 kapsul. (menambah dan memanjangkan massa tulang). DOSIS : 2 x sehari 1 kapsul (usia 11-15 th) atau 2 x sehari 2 kapsul(usia >15 th). Sebulan naik 2-8 cm, disertai minum susu dan olahraga. Untuk 11 th ke atas
4. Pemutih/cemerlang & pencerah kulit rp 6500/wadah. Rp 195.000/30 wadah(memutihkan; membuat kulit bercahaya, mencegah tulang keropos). DOSIS : sekali sehari 1 wadah sebelum sarapan. Dalam 12 hari kulit putih cemerlang. Minimal 30 hari. Untuk 2 th ke atas(dosis anak 2-12th setengah dosis dewasa). Aman untuk wanita hamil, bayinya akan putih, cerdas dan tulangnya kuat
5. Lainnya : Lulur daki + pembersih wajah rRp 27.500(gel 100 ml). Perontok bulu Rp 20.000(krim 5 gr). Penghalus tumit pecah-pecah Rp 5000(salep 10 gr), dll
Catatan : Manfaat obat yang ditulis adalah REAKSI PADA UMUMNYA
Harga Sewaktu-waktu Bisa Berubah
Silahkan transfer ke rekening RINA YAHYA, Bank Danamon Pasar Baru, Bandung, no rekening : 35094-9999-6, sejumlah Harga Obat + ongkos kirim. Barang dikirim segera setelah transfer.
ONGKOS KIRIM sampai 1 kg : Bandung & sekitarnya (Rp 25.000).Jakarta (Rp 30.000,-), Jawa Barat Rp 35.000. Jawa Tengah (Rp 40.000,-), Jawa Timur (Rp 45.000,-). Luar Jawa (Rp 55.000,-) kecuali Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Kalimantan, Papua (Rp65.000,-)
SALAM SUISE (SO SURE SO SIMPLE) dari neng langsing suise, yang siap melayani konsultasi gratis, bagaimana turun 40 kg dalam 6 bulan dari semula 89 kg ( lihat fotoku " before and after " diatas ). Neng langsing suise tiaphari ada di toko obat suise, MENANTI ANDA
SUISE, LICENSED traditional & modern PHARMACY
PASAR BARU, 4th floor, block B 2 / 42-43, Bandung, +62-22-4246095 / +62-8157-00-5751
email: suise.farmasi @
Person in charge: assistant pharmacist double APOTEKER ( Pharmacist )
Pharmacist's licence : SIK no 572/SIK/JB/1994
Assistant pharmacists's licence : SIAA no 1293/DF/AA, 19 February 1975
Pharmacy license no: 442/9093-Dinkes/13-PED/XII/08
We have : AMAZING SLIMMING PILLS / shrink the stomach only Rp 95,000 ( lndonesian currency ) for 45 days (the price at any time could change). NO DIET, NO SPORTS, NO EXPENSIVE
Also available: drug for bulking up body, youth maintaining vitamins , agent for whiten / remove black stains, acne, hair thresher etc.
OPEN EVERY DAY, at 8.30-17.00 ( local time )
SUISE always prioritizing Worship Service Ethics
1. Slimming pill, Rp 3000, -/tablet. Rp 95.000, -/45 tablets (remove fat, mainly in the stomach, through defecating fatty & oily ( porridge like ) in 6 - 9 hours after consuming the pills, throwing poison = detoxication ). DOSAGE: 1 tablet once a day. 1-3 kg a week off. For over 8 years
2. Gaining weight capsule Rp 2000, -/capsule ( improve the absorption of food ). DOSAGE: 1 capsule once a day before bed. 1-3 kg a week rise. To be like a sportman must do physical exercise. For over 12 years
3. Growing up capsule Rp 5000/kapsul. Rp 450000/100 capsules. (add and lengthen bone mass). DOSAGE: 2 x daily 1 capsule (age 11-15 years) or 2 x 2 capsules per day (age over 15 years). A month rise 2-8 cm, accompanied by drinking milk and exercise. For over 11 years
4. Bleach / bright & enlightening skin, esp. FACE, Rp 6500/pack. Rp 195000/30 packs (bleaching; make skin radiant, prevent porous bone). DOSAGE: 1 pack once daily before breakfast. Within 12 days of brilliant white. Minimum of 30 days consuming. For over 2 years ( dose of 2-12th child half adult dose ). Safe for pregnant women, to make the baby white, brilliant and tough bone
5. Others: Lulur daki ( face and skin cleanser ) Rp 27,500 (100 ml gel). Thresher fur Rp 20,000 (cream 5 gr). Smoothening cracked heels Rp 5000 (ointment 10 gr), etc.
Note: Benefits are written is DRUG REACTION IN GENERAL
Please transfer to account RINA YAHYA, Bank Danamon, Pasar Baru, Bandung, account number: 35094-9999-6, some drug prices + shipping. Goods delivered immediately after the transfer.
SEND COST up to 1 kg: Bandung & around (Rp 25,000). Jakarta (Rp 30.000, -), West Java Rp 35,000. Central Java (Rp 40.000, -), East Java (Rp 45.000, -). Outside Java (Rp 55.000, -) except for Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, Papua (Rp65.000, -)
REGARDS from SUISE (SO SURE SO SIMPLE), we are ready to serve a free consultation, how to down 40 kg in 6 months, from the original 89 kg ( see my picture " before and after " above ). Neng langsing suise ( suise the slim lady ) everyday in suise drugstore, WAITING FOR YOU, IMPATIENTLY
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