Senin, 11 Januari 2010


Ibadah sambil bisnis bersama kedua anak perempuanku. Si sulung di sebelah kiriku, si bungsu di sebelah kananku. Kalau kuliahnya libur, mereka mengawal aku kemana dan dimanapun aku berada.Sstt...mereka dulunya gemuk lho. Yang bungsu malah pernah 100 kg( eh dia ngambek kalau dibilang 100 kg, maunya dikurangi dikit, 98 kg cincailah), waktu usia 8 th. Dengan obat langsing suise, beratnya sekarang 62 kg saja

Worship as a business with my daughters. The eldest on my left, the youngest to the right. If college holidays, they escorted me anywhere and everywhere I am.Sstt ... they used to be fat . Instead, the youngest ever 100 kg (wouw she sulked when said she ever 100 kgs, wants to have slight discount, 98 kgs cincailah), when she was of 8 years old. With the Suise slimming pills, now weighs just 62 kg

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