Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

Foto gemuk-ku sebelum turun 40 kg ( My FAT photo before 40 kgs down )

Masih takjub rasanya tiap kali menatap fotoku waktu masih 89 kg, bagaimana mungkin turun 40 kg. Fakta kadang lebih ajaib dari khayalan. Tidak cuma foto yang bisa jadi bukti, tapi aku orangnya juga ada di toko obat suise, pasar baru Lt 4 B2/42-43 Bandung. Artinya ada SAKSI HIDUP, bukan sekedar FOTO gemuk jadi FOTO langsing. ( beratku sekarang tepatnya 45 kg, berarti turun 44 kg )

I am still amazed every time l looked at a picture of me when I was 89 kgs, how can down 40 kgs. Facts sometimes more miraculous than fiction. Not only photos which could be evidence, but I myself, almost everyday, in suise drug stores, PASAR bARU  4th floor,block B2/42-43 Bandung. This means that you can see me as the SLIM WITNESS, not just photo to photo from fat to slim, and no more than photos

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