Senin, 19 April 2010


Awalnya mereka ragu atau sangat ragu untuk membeli obat langsing Suise, maklum mereka orang asing dan baru sekali jumpa aku. Tapi foto gemuk-ku berhasil meyakinkan mereka, meskipun sebagian hanya mau beli 1 botol dulu untuk " try ", takut tipu-tipu. mereka juga takut efek samping. Sesampai di negaranya, terbukti obat langsing Suise, TANPA EFEK SAMPING dan BERHASIL MENURUNKAN BERAT BADAN mereka. Maka biarpun ongkos kirim mahal, " terpaksalah " mereka " repeat order ". Ini bukti pengiriman uang dari manca-negara melalui Western Union.
Kadang biaya pengiriman terasa mahal, kami sarankan "titip kawan" yang ke Bandung. Biasanya sang kawan ikut beli obat langsing Suise untuk diri/ keluarganya. Jadi dapat tambahan pelanggan

At first they hesitated or very hesitant to buy Suise slimming pills. Very understandable, because they are foreigners and that's the first time they saw me. But my fat photos managed to convince them, though some only want to buy 1 bottle used to "try", fear of deception. They also fear side effects of this drug. Arriving in their country, the drug proved, NO SIDE EFFECTS and SUCCESSFULLY REDUCE THEIR WEIGHT. So even the postage is expensive, they are "forced" to make "repeat orders." This is evidence of transfer of money from foreign countries via Western Union.
Sometimes the shipping cost felt so expensive, we recommend to entrust friend who come to Bandung, to buy the slimming drug. Usually the entrusted friend also buy Suise slimming drugs for themselves/their family. So it can be our additional customer

Kamis, 08 April 2010


Thank You Lord, that even the ways I fail and make mistakes, are part of the ' all things " that U work together for good, just to grow my spiritual experience with U.
I need U and I give my heart to You
Please accept me as l am, dear my Lord

Terima kasih Tuhan, bahwa cara aku gagal dan membuat kesalahan, adalah bagian dari 'segala sesuatu "yang Kau kerjakan semata-mata untuk mendatangkan kebaikan bagiku, khususnya untuk menumbuhkan pengalaman spiritualku denganMu.
Aku membutuhkanMu dan aku serahkan hatiku untukMu
Tolonglah terima aku apa adanya, Tuhanku yang baik


Pelanggan yang satu ini sungguh baik. Tanpa diminta, dia berkenan memberi kami foto " sebelum dan sesudah" langsing dengan obat langsing Suise, katanya agar para calon langsing tidak mudah putus asa dalam memerangi lemak tubuh yang menumpuk. Dia-pun sudah nyaris putus asa karena berbagai program pelangsingan yang diikutinya, tidak membuahkan hasil, padahal biaya jutaan rupiah telah dikeluarkannya.
Lihat,  sesudah langsing dia bagai ABG ( Anak Baru Gede ), keren abis dan tampak sangat muda. Dia begitu bangga dan bahagia.kerena dia adalah SANG PEMENANG.
Tidak mudah mendapatkan foto " before & after " langsing karena sangat jarang sekali mereka berpose untuk keperluan tersebut dan biasanya mereka tidak yakin bisa langsing. Umumnya mereka hanya mengambil dari koleksi foto yang ada.
Beruntung foto di atas cukup mewakili keberhasilan proses pelangsingan dengan obat langsing Suise yang dijalaninya. Terimakasih kami untuk kebaikan hati anda
This customer is really a good one. Without being asked, she was pleased to give us pictures of "before and after" slim by consuming Suise slimming pills, she said this is to encourage the candidates not too easy to trim the desperation in the fight against the accumulated body fat. She herself was already almost desperately for a variety of slimming programs she followed, ,turned out to be wasted, even though the cost of millions rupiahs have been issued.
Look, after slim, she looks like teenager, so very cute and looked very young. She is so proud of herself and happy, because she is THE WINNER..
Not easy to get pictures of "before & after" slim because they are very rarely posed for this purpose and usually they are not sure the slimming program will be success or not. Generally they only take from the existing collection of their photographs.
Lucky enough, pictures above represents the success of the slimming process using Suise slimming pills she did. Our thanks for your kindness

Senin, 05 April 2010


Aku senang dikerumuni pelanggan, dari seantero nusantara dan dari mancanegara. Yang mancanegara kebanyakan dari Malaysia, berikutnya Singapura. Ada juga dari Australia, Amerika, Saudi Arabia , Yordania dll. Ada yang hanya bisa berbahasa arab, jadilah kami memakai bahasa isyarat. Untung mereka paham dan beli karena aku menunjuk perutnya yang buncit. Ah, rasanya seperti sudah memenangkan sesuatu.
Banyak canda dan tawa di toko obat langsing Suise. Pelangganku umumnya baik dan tidak sombong. Agar makin akrab, kami menyajikan makanan kecil dan minuman gratis untuk dinikmati sambil bersendagurau dan tentu saja sambil berkonsultasi. Kami juga menyediakan bangku agar mereka tidak penat waktu menunggu giliran untuk dilayani
I'm glad surrounded by customers, from all over Indonesia and from abroad. That overseas most of Malaysia and Singapore. There were also from Australia, America, Saudi Arabia, Jordan etc.. There can only speak arabic, then we use sign language. Luckily they understand and buy Suise slimming pills, only by pointing at their protruding belly. Ugh, I feel like a winner !.
Many jokes and laughter at Suise slimming drugstore. Customers are generally good and not arrogant. To be more familiar, we serve snacks and drinks to enjoy while talking, joking and of course do the consultation. We also provide benches so that they do not fatigue while waiting their turn to be served