Banyak canda dan tawa di toko obat langsing Suise. Pelangganku umumnya baik dan tidak sombong. Agar makin akrab, kami menyajikan makanan kecil dan minuman gratis untuk dinikmati sambil bersendagurau dan tentu saja sambil berkonsultasi. Kami juga menyediakan bangku agar mereka tidak penat waktu menunggu giliran untuk dilayani
I'm glad surrounded by customers, from all over Indonesia and from abroad. That overseas most of Malaysia and Singapore. There were also from Australia, America, Saudi Arabia, Jordan etc.. There can only speak arabic, then we use sign language. Luckily they understand and buy Suise slimming pills, only by pointing at their protruding belly. Ugh, I feel like a winner !.
Many jokes and laughter at Suise slimming drugstore. Customers are generally good and not arrogant. To be more familiar, we serve snacks and drinks to enjoy while talking, joking and of course do the consultation. We also provide benches so that they do not fatigue while waiting their turn to be served
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