Kamis, 08 April 2010


Pelanggan yang satu ini sungguh baik. Tanpa diminta, dia berkenan memberi kami foto " sebelum dan sesudah" langsing dengan obat langsing Suise, katanya agar para calon langsing tidak mudah putus asa dalam memerangi lemak tubuh yang menumpuk. Dia-pun sudah nyaris putus asa karena berbagai program pelangsingan yang diikutinya, tidak membuahkan hasil, padahal biaya jutaan rupiah telah dikeluarkannya.
Lihat,  sesudah langsing dia bagai ABG ( Anak Baru Gede ), keren abis dan tampak sangat muda. Dia begitu bangga dan bahagia.kerena dia adalah SANG PEMENANG.
Tidak mudah mendapatkan foto " before & after " langsing karena sangat jarang sekali mereka berpose untuk keperluan tersebut dan biasanya mereka tidak yakin bisa langsing. Umumnya mereka hanya mengambil dari koleksi foto yang ada.
Beruntung foto di atas cukup mewakili keberhasilan proses pelangsingan dengan obat langsing Suise yang dijalaninya. Terimakasih kami untuk kebaikan hati anda
This customer is really a good one. Without being asked, she was pleased to give us pictures of "before and after" slim by consuming Suise slimming pills, she said this is to encourage the candidates not too easy to trim the desperation in the fight against the accumulated body fat. She herself was already almost desperately for a variety of slimming programs she followed, ,turned out to be wasted, even though the cost of millions rupiahs have been issued.
Look, after slim, she looks like teenager, so very cute and looked very young. She is so proud of herself and happy, because she is THE WINNER..
Not easy to get pictures of "before & after" slim because they are very rarely posed for this purpose and usually they are not sure the slimming program will be success or not. Generally they only take from the existing collection of their photographs.
Lucky enough, pictures above represents the success of the slimming process using Suise slimming pills she did. Our thanks for your kindness

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