Minggu, 28 Maret 2010


LAGU DOA UNTUK KITA SEMUA.... ( jangan minta aku menyanyikannya tapi )
 Song of prayer for us all .... (But please don't ask me to sing it out ...)

May the good Lord bless and keep you
Whether near or far away
May your troubles all be small one
And your fortune ten times ten
May the good Lord bless and keep you, till the end of time
* May you walk with sunlight shining, and a blue bird in every tree
   May there be a silver lining, back of every cloud you see
Fill your dream with sweet tomorrow
Never mind what might have been
May the good Lord bless and keep you, till the end of time

Kamis, 25 Maret 2010


Memiliki tubuh langsing membuatku senang difoto dengan mengenakan aneka macam model baju. Rasanya makin hari makin muda aja. Terimakasih Tuhan, terimakasih Suise
Has a slender body makes me happy to be photographed with various kinds of models wearing clothes. I am increasingly younger and younger. Thank God, thank Suise

Rabu, 24 Maret 2010


 TJantung bertugas memompa  darah yang membawa makanan, oksigen dll ke seluruh tubuh, melalui pembuluh darah.Lemak berlebih dapat menyempitkan pembuluh darah ( atherosclerosis ) sehingga jantung harus bekerja lebih keras untuk bisa mendarahi seluruh tubuh. Lemak berlebih diluar pembuluh darah dapat " membungkus " jantung dengan akibat jantung lebih sulit berdenyut. Organ lain yang sering " dibungkus " lemak berlebih adalah hati ( liver ) yang tugasnya mengolah makanan yang kita makan menjadi nutrisi yang berguna bagi tubuh, sehingga fungsinya bisa sangat terganggu ( kondisi ini dinamai Fatty Liver )..
Membuang lemak yang berlebih dengan obat langsing Suise, tidak hanya demi penampilan, tapi juga demi kesehatan dan tentu saja " keringanan " dalam segala hal

 The heart pumps blood that carries food, oxygen etc,throughout the body. through arteries.Excess of fat  can constrict blood vessels (atherosclerosis) so that the heart must work harder to do the circulation to the entire body. Excess fat out of blood vessels can  "wrap" the heart and make it  more difficult  to do the heart beat. Other organs which is often "wrapped" by excess of  fat is the hepar (liver) whose job processing the food we eat into useful nutrients for the body, so that the function could be disturbed seriously ( the case named Fatty Liver ).
Discard the excess fat with Suise slimming pills, not only for appearance, but also for the health and of course "lightness" in all things


Jantung adalah organ paling vital dalam tubuh manusia. Jantung melakukan 2 sirkulasi. Yang pertama, jantung memompa darah yang mengandung sedikit oksigen ke paru-paru dan yang kedua, memompa darah dari paru-paru yang mengandung banyak oksigen ke seluruh tubuh.
Darah mengalir melalui 2 pembuluh darah, arteri ( merah ) dan vena ( biru ). Arteri mengalirkan darah yang kaya oksigen, dari jantung, sedang vena mengalirkan darah yang miskin oksigen, menuju ke jantung.

Hmmm...berat nian kerja jantung, apalagi kalau ada " kemacetan " karena kelebihan lemak membuat pipa / pembuluh darah menyempit. Yuk ah, buang lemak berlebih dalam tubuh, pakai obat langsing Suise yang aman, tanpa diet, tanpa olah raga, tanpa mahal dan tanpa mengubah pola makan...

The heart is the most vital organ in the human body. Heart do 2 circulations . The first,  heart pumps blood that contains less oxygen to the lungs and the second, pumping blood from the lungs that contains plenty of oxygen around the body.

Blood flows through 2 kinds of blood vessels: arteries (red) and veins (blue). Arteries are flowing oxygen-rich blood from the heart, and veins are flowing oxygen-poor blood, leading to the heart.

Hmmm ... hard work of my "sweetheart", especially if there are "bottlenecks" because of excess fat which narrowing the pipe/blood vessels.
So come on, remove excess fat in the body,  using safely Suise slimming pills without dieting, without exercise, without expensive and without changing the diet ...

Jumat, 19 Maret 2010


Suami istri dokter dari Malaysia datang ke toko obat langsing Suise membawa anaknya yang baru berumur 8 tahun. Anak ini terus saja ribut, seperti wajarnya anak kecil yang cari perhatian. Ibunya yang merasa terganggu, bertanya : " adakah obat untuk bising, anak ini bising sangat". Saya berpikir sejenak lalu memberi anak itu permen coklat sambil berkata : " ini obat bising ".
AJAIB, sang anak diam sambil memegangi permen coklatnya. Leluasalah aku menerangkan dengan panjang lebar penuh semangat kepada kedua orang tua anak tersebut yang mendengarkan dengan antusias. Tiba-tiba, anak itu menyodorkan permen coklatnya kepadaku sambil berkata ; " ini obat bising untuk tante saja ".
Hah, seketika kami semua tertawa terbahak-bahak. Anak pintar...

Husband and wife ( medical doctor ) from Malaysia came to Suise slimming drugstore, carrying their 8-year-old son. This kid was very talkative, looking for attention, like most of small chioldren. Her mother who was troubled, asked: "Is there a cure for noisy, very noisy child". I thought for a moment and then gave him a chocolate, saying: "This drug is for noisy".
AMAZING, the boy stop talking and keep holding the chocolate candy. Freely I explained  excitedly to both parents of the child who listened enthusiastically. Suddenly, the boy handed chocolate candy to me and said: "This noisy drug is better for you auntie".
Well, once we all laughed uproariously. Good boy


Pelangganku datang dari mana saja. Kebetulan Pasar Baru lokasinya di pusat kota Bandung dan menjadi tujuan wisata utama turis yang datang ke Bandung. lni fotoku dengan sahabat dari Papua
Customers come from anywhere. Incidentally Pasar Baru is located in downtown Bandung, and became the main destination of tourists who come to Bandung. This is my picture with friends from Papua

Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

ABG (Anak Baru Gede )..BERHASIL LANGSING, JADI LEBIH PEDE ( a teenager..has been slim and more self-confident)

Pelangganku yang sudah langsing ribuan jumlahnya, tapi tidak mudah mendapatkan foto "before and after "/ sebelum dan sesudah langsing mereka. Umumnya beralasan " malu" atau foto gemuknya sudah dibuang, padahal itu sejarah keberhasilan bukan? Disamping itu, foto-foto tersebut bisa menyemangati mereka yang ingin langsing tapi cenderung putus asa karena telah mencoba berbagai cara pelangsingan tapi gagal/gemuk lagi.
Beruntung ada seorang ABG yang sudi berbagi foto keberhasilannya untuk mengajak semua yang ingin langsing agar bersemangat kembali. Terimakasih untuk kesediaannya. Tuhan berkati.

Thousands of my customers  have been slim , but not easy to get pictures of  "before and after"  their slim. Generally the reason  is "embarrassed" or pictures when they were fat were removed. But that is  the history of success, is not it ? In addition, these photographs could encourage those who want to slim but tend to despair for having tried various ways but failed slimming / fat again.Luckily there is a teenager who is willing to share images of success to invite all who want to lean to be excited again. Thx for her kindnesss. God bless you

Rabu, 10 Maret 2010


Dengan penataan yang lebih apik, foto mantan Pejabat Tinggi yang telah turun 25 kg dengan obat langsing Suise tampak lebih enak dilihat dan lebih jelas perbandingannya SEBELUM mengkonsumsi obat langsing Suise ( kemeja oranye ) dan SESUDAH ( kemeja putih ). Lemak di pipi, dada dan perutnya sudah hilang. Bajunya jadi longgar
With better arrangement, the image of former high officials who had dropped 25 kg with  Suise slimming pills seem better and more clearly seen in comparison BEFORE consuming Suise slimming pills (orange shirt) and AFTER (white shirt). Fat in the cheeks, chest and stomach are missing. His shirt looks  too loose

Selasa, 09 Maret 2010


Pelanggan yang satu ini jenaka sangat. Jumpa saya di pasar Baru Bandung, cepat dia cakap pada suaminya " Jangan tengok, saya cemburu, dia lawa (cantik) sangat". Suaminya patuh dan menundukkan kepala. Dia cerita sambil tertawa renyah ketika mampir ke toko obat langsing Suise. Tentu saja dia tak payah cemburu-lah, karena saya/tante umurnya sudah banyak, anaknya sudah kuliah dan tante hanya mau ibadah sambil bisnis. Penjelasan tante rupanya melegakan hatinya. Dia minta ambil gambar.
Lihat, kami akrab seperti kakak beradik bukan?

One of my customers is very funny. She met me at Pasar Baru Bandung, quickly she said to her husband "Do not look at that lady, she is very beautiful, I am jealous!". Her husband obeyed and bowed his head. She told me, laughingly when stopped by the Suise slimming drugstore. Of course no need to be jealous, because I am much older than she is, my daughters have been in college and I just want to worship with the business. My explanation seemed to relieve her. She asked me to pose together with her.
We look like sisters, don't we ?

Minggu, 07 Maret 2010


Mulanya beliau datang ke toko obat langsing Suise dengan wajah putus asa tapi penuh harap. Maklum, berbagai obat langsing dan aneka cara pelangsingan telah beliau coba, tapi hasilnya jauh dari memuaskan. Lututnya juga sering sakit karena harus menyangga tubuh yang lumayan beratnya. Hanya karena lihat saya yang sudah langsing ( 45 kg berat tubuh saya sekarang ) dan foto saya waktu 89 kg ( bukti orangnya
ada/ bukan cuma foto gemuk dan langsing ), beliau berkenan mencoba lagi. Saya menyemangati beliau, utamanya agar sehat dan terhindar dari risiko serangan jantung, stroke, kencing manis dll. Kami jadi seperti saudara. Saya dibolehkan mengambil foto beliau sambil memantau proses pelangsingannya.
Mengenakan kemeja oranye adalah awal beliau datang. Dengan kemeja putih adalah setelah turun 25 kg. Perhatikan wajah yang ceria dan tampak lebih lonjong karena lemak tubuhnya telah dibuang secara sehat, tanpa diet, tanpa olahraga, dan tanpa mahal, dengan obat langsing Suise. Kemeja putihnyapun tampak begitu kegedean.
Foto diambil di toko Suise, depan etalase. Beliau membeli beberapa botol lagi karena mau turun 25 kg lagi. Didoakan selalu ya Bapak
At first he came to the Suise drugstore with a desperate face but hopeful. Understandably, many slimming drugs and slimming various ways he has tried, but the result far from satisfactory. Her knees are also often ill because they have to support a fairly heavy body. Just because he saw me who already slim (45 kg my body weight  now) and my photos when I was 89 kg (he saw the person as evidence, not only pictures "before and after" from fat to lean, but nobody shown up), he was willing to try again. I encourage him, mainly to be healthy and avoid the risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, etc.. We became like brother and sister. I am allowed to take his photos, while, monitoring his slimming process.
Wearing an orange shirt was the beginning of his coming. With the white shirt was once down 25 kgs. Take a look at his bright face which appear more oval cause his body fat has been removed in a healthy and simple way, with no diet, no exercise, and no expensive, only by consuming Suise slimming pills. His white shirt seemed too big, right.
Photos taken at Suise drugstore. He bought several more bottles since going down 25 kgs again. I pray for you always Sir

Rabu, 03 Maret 2010


Adanya jalur penerbangan langsung Bandung-Kualalumpur pp dengan maskapai penerbangan Air-Asia, ditambah fasilitas shuttle-bus bandara Husein Sastranegara-Pasar Baru Bandung, menjadikan Pasar Baru sebagai tujuan wisata utama Pak cik, Mak cik, Datuk, Datin, Tuan, Puan, Abang, Kakak, Adik, Budak dari Malaysia. Toko obat langsing Suise pun banyak kedatangan pelanggan dari negeri jiran ini, sampai muncul fenomena " orang Malaysia kalau ke Pasar Baru, tidak lagi mencari tekstil, tapi ke toko Suise untuk mendapatkan obat langsing, karena terbukti berkesan ( berhasil ), tanpa diet, tanpa olahraga dan tanpa mahal"..
Karena takut kena tipu, sebagian dari mereka beli 1 botol dulu, maklumlah, beberapa dari mereka mungkin baru pertama kalinya ke Bandung. Ternyata hasil. Mau pesan lagi, kuatir tak lancar. Akhirnya mereka sepakat membiayai saya ke Kuala lumpur, untuk mengantarkan obat langsing pesanan mereka. Pada kesempatan itu saya main ke Genting, tempat wisata yang sangat terkenal di Malaysia, mencoba segala macam permainan, sambil mengenang masa kecil. Tapi masa kecil saya mainannya cuma yoyo, kelereng, petak umpet, layang-layang, putren lho
The existence of direct flight between Bandung and Kuala Lumpur vv,  by Air-Asia, plus shuttle bus airport facilities from Husein Sastranegara, airport of  Bandung to Pasar Baru, make Pasar Baru as main tourist destination for Malaysian tourists called Pak Cik, Mak Cik, Datuk, Datin, Tuan, Puan, Abang, Kakak, Adik, Budak. Drug stores were slim  Many customers from this neighbor country, visit Suise slimming Drug Store, and make the phenomenon that "people of Malaysia come to Pasar Baru, no longer looking for textiles, but to the Suise Drug Store to get slimming pills, because of  it's impressive and successful proof, with no diet, no exercise and no expensive "..
Afraid of being cheated, some of them used to buy 1 bottle, probably this is the first time to Bandung, for some of them. Because the result is really-really good, they want to order again, but worry for some reasons. . Finally they agreed to pay me to Kuala lumpur, to deliver their orders of slimming pills. On that occasion I went to Genting highlang, tourism object, which is very popular in Malaysia, trying all sorts of games, with a little reminiscing. But my childhood only played yo-yo toys, marbles, hide and seek, kite, putrenan ( dolls of bamboo sticks and cloth )