Minggu, 07 Maret 2010


Mulanya beliau datang ke toko obat langsing Suise dengan wajah putus asa tapi penuh harap. Maklum, berbagai obat langsing dan aneka cara pelangsingan telah beliau coba, tapi hasilnya jauh dari memuaskan. Lututnya juga sering sakit karena harus menyangga tubuh yang lumayan beratnya. Hanya karena lihat saya yang sudah langsing ( 45 kg berat tubuh saya sekarang ) dan foto saya waktu 89 kg ( bukti orangnya
ada/ bukan cuma foto gemuk dan langsing ), beliau berkenan mencoba lagi. Saya menyemangati beliau, utamanya agar sehat dan terhindar dari risiko serangan jantung, stroke, kencing manis dll. Kami jadi seperti saudara. Saya dibolehkan mengambil foto beliau sambil memantau proses pelangsingannya.
Mengenakan kemeja oranye adalah awal beliau datang. Dengan kemeja putih adalah setelah turun 25 kg. Perhatikan wajah yang ceria dan tampak lebih lonjong karena lemak tubuhnya telah dibuang secara sehat, tanpa diet, tanpa olahraga, dan tanpa mahal, dengan obat langsing Suise. Kemeja putihnyapun tampak begitu kegedean.
Foto diambil di toko Suise, depan etalase. Beliau membeli beberapa botol lagi karena mau turun 25 kg lagi. Didoakan selalu ya Bapak
At first he came to the Suise drugstore with a desperate face but hopeful. Understandably, many slimming drugs and slimming various ways he has tried, but the result far from satisfactory. Her knees are also often ill because they have to support a fairly heavy body. Just because he saw me who already slim (45 kg my body weight  now) and my photos when I was 89 kg (he saw the person as evidence, not only pictures "before and after" from fat to lean, but nobody shown up), he was willing to try again. I encourage him, mainly to be healthy and avoid the risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, etc.. We became like brother and sister. I am allowed to take his photos, while, monitoring his slimming process.
Wearing an orange shirt was the beginning of his coming. With the white shirt was once down 25 kgs. Take a look at his bright face which appear more oval cause his body fat has been removed in a healthy and simple way, with no diet, no exercise, and no expensive, only by consuming Suise slimming pills. His white shirt seemed too big, right.
Photos taken at Suise drugstore. He bought several more bottles since going down 25 kgs again. I pray for you always Sir

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