Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

ABG (Anak Baru Gede )..BERHASIL LANGSING, JADI LEBIH PEDE ( a teenager..has been slim and more self-confident)

Pelangganku yang sudah langsing ribuan jumlahnya, tapi tidak mudah mendapatkan foto "before and after "/ sebelum dan sesudah langsing mereka. Umumnya beralasan " malu" atau foto gemuknya sudah dibuang, padahal itu sejarah keberhasilan bukan? Disamping itu, foto-foto tersebut bisa menyemangati mereka yang ingin langsing tapi cenderung putus asa karena telah mencoba berbagai cara pelangsingan tapi gagal/gemuk lagi.
Beruntung ada seorang ABG yang sudi berbagi foto keberhasilannya untuk mengajak semua yang ingin langsing agar bersemangat kembali. Terimakasih untuk kesediaannya. Tuhan berkati.

Thousands of my customers  have been slim , but not easy to get pictures of  "before and after"  their slim. Generally the reason  is "embarrassed" or pictures when they were fat were removed. But that is  the history of success, is not it ? In addition, these photographs could encourage those who want to slim but tend to despair for having tried various ways but failed slimming / fat again.Luckily there is a teenager who is willing to share images of success to invite all who want to lean to be excited again. Thx for her kindnesss. God bless you

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